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C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22


Cinema 4D是设计师的必备工具。使用Cinema 4D 可以制作3D动态可视化效果。本课程回顾了Cinema 4D S22的基础知识,涵盖了界面,工具和层次结构,这是掌握Cinema 4D的关键。讲师Andy Needham讲解C4D S22的模型、Cinema 4D材质、灯光、摄像机动画、和渲染等,包括运动图形模块、动力学、动画等方面都会讲解。

Learning Cinema 4D S22. Cinema 4D is an essential tool for aspiring motion graphics artists and designers alike. With Cinema 4D, you can enhance your motion graphics, models, and visualizations with 3D objects, dynamic effects, and animation. This course reviews the basics of Cinema 4D S22, covering the interface, the tools, and the hierarchy—the key to grasping everything in Cinema 4D. Instructor Andy Needham helps you get up to speed with how to create and manipulate objects in 3D space. He introduces you to Cinema 4D materials, lights, and cameras, as well as essential techniques such as rendering. Along the way, he walks you through how to complete a basic project in Cinema 4D from start to finish.

C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22
C4D S22 新手入门基础教程 Learning Cinema 4D S22


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