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PS 2021新功能介绍教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Photoshop 2021 New Features. 讲解PS 2021新增加功能,包括AI智能滤镜,PS 2021天空智能替换、毛发抠像、人像修图提升等。
In this course, expert Deke McClelland brings you up to speed with every single new feature in the software. Learn about the new Sky Replacement command, which lets you swap an ordinary sky for a more dramatic one. Discover Refine Hair, which turns a base selection into an impressive hair mask. Experiment with such practical and entertaining new filters as Skin Smoothing and Smart Portrait. Explore enhancements to Live Shapes, including on-canvas controls and a Line tool that draws open path outlines, complete with dynamic arrowheads. Learn how to review changes to collaborative cloud documents with the help of the powerful Version History panel. And that’s just the beginning. Check back for new videos every time Adobe releases an update.

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