多彩魔幻辉光球特效教程,是虚幻引擎Unreal Engine高级材质特效教程, Gumroad – Advanced Visual Effects in Unreal Engine – Materia. 讲解Unreal 4中特效圆球的制作,包括在Houdini中模型的制作和Substance Designer中材质的制作等,然后导入到UE4进行所有的着色器的调节制作。学习Materia Orb效果的整个项目过程。学习在Houdini中编写FX Mesh内容,并在Substance Designer中制作纹理。然后,将内容导入到UE4中,在这里您将制作所有着色器,并深入到Niagara,您将学习如何制作3A游戏质量的粒子效果。
This training course takes you through the entire pipeline of creating the Materia Orb effect. Learn to author the FX Mesh source content in Houdini and the textures in Substance Designer. Then you’ll import the content into UE4 where you’ll make all of the shaders and dive into Niagara, where you’ll learn how to make AAA quality particle effects.
