Fstoppers与非常成功的人像摄影师Dylan Patrick联手制作了长达6个小时的教程《The Cinematic Headshot》。迪伦(Dylan)因其风格鲜明的肖像摄影和人物头像抓拍而在纽约和洛杉矶广受追捧。在本教程中,迪伦将教您指导拍摄照明和修饰照片的整个过程。Dylan的摄影与昂贵的装备无关,而是与如何使用现有物品有关的知识点和技巧。在本教程中,您将学习如何在理想的照明情况,极端恶劣的照明情况下,甚至在夜间照明。迪伦的技术将帮助您在任何时间,任何地点产生可控的拍摄效果。Dylan的标志性效果有50%可以归因于他的经验和灯光技术,另外50%则来自他的后期制作。本教程包含4个不同的RAW文件,您可以在Dylan教学时与他一起使用。与Dylan一起在Photoshop中学习3个多小时后,您将了解在世界一流水平的PS/Photoshop Lightroom肖像编辑的各种技巧,学习大师级PS人物修图技术。
Fstoppers has teamed up with the incredibly successful headshot photographer, Dylan Patrick to produce the 6 hour tutorial, The Cinematic Headshot. Dylan has become widely sought after in New York and Los Angeles for his unmistakably stylized portraits and actors headshots. In this tutorial Dylan will teach you his entire processes of coaching, lighting, and then retouching his pictures. 50% of Dylan’s signature look can be attributed to his coaching and lighting, the other 50% comes from his post production. This tutorial includes 4 different RAW files that you can use to follow along with Dylan as he works. After following along in Photoshop for over 3 hours with Dylan, you’ll know everything necessary to edit your portraits at a world class level.
