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Houdini流体特效模拟教程 The VFX School – Houdini Renascence Program – Module IV – Deep Dive. 讲解Houdini中FLIP解算器的用法,模拟水流等流体特效,包括泡沫,气泡和喷雾等细节的制作等,粘稠液体倾倒特效,角色融化特效。
This is the final module of the course, and here you will learn to work with FLIP, which is the Houdini’s solver to create liquids.You will recreate infinite oceans and simulate water. You will learn how to create foam, bubble and spray passes. Finally, we will teach you how to deal with the different viscosities to get simulations of blood, chocolate, honey, yogurt, caramel, etc.

原版CG教程:4227.839 M