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《在CG2.0创建逼真的眼睛》作者Tom Newbury. 就是《野蛮人》角色制作全套教程的作者,本套CG教程也可以算作野蛮人逼真眼球制作的部分,虽然作者没有放到野蛮人系列。VeryCG也全程翻译了《野蛮人》系列教程,可以搜索查看。Welcome to my latest tutorial, Creating a Realistic Eye in CG 2.0. It has been 5 years since the release of my original eye tutorial. Since then there are new online resources available and my workflow and skills have become more refined. The eyes are the most important part of a character. Especially when dealing with a realistic portrait.
In this tutorial I go over the entire process of creating the eye. This includes modeling, texturing and look development. I also integrate the eye with a human face where I show you how to re-balance your textures as well as creating the caruncle and meniscus. These are all vital steps in generating a realistic eye. The tutorial has over 3.5 hours of recorded video with audio where I explain my every step of the process. I will also be providing the model for the eyes, diffuse textures and a Maya scene with my shading network. By The end of the tutorial you should have the knowledge and techniques to create your own realistic eyes for your characters.

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