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Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN – Blender室内环境材质渲染教程

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Blender室内环境材质渲染教程 Gumroad – Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN. 讲解在Blender中对室内环境模型进行贴图制作和灯光设置环境渲染输出,最后在PS进行细节合成。Blender游戏场景教程,Blender室内环境科幻游戏教程。

Gumroad – Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN. In this tutorial we focus on Interior design.The set-up includes 6 chapters. Each chapter builds on to the next one.We start with researching, and after this move onto modelling, and texturing. We finalize our images in photoshop.This tutorial provides you not only with the useful tools but also with a good workflow.

Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程
Gumroad Introduction to ADVANCED INTERIOR DESIGN - Blender室内环境材质渲染教程

原版CG教程:2204.874 M



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