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Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程

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Complete YouTube Thumbnail Course: A Masterclass. 了解如何制作最引人注目的视频缩略图/视频主图/视频封面图,以吸引更多观众从专家那里观看您的视频。How to add text to a thumbnail.How to make and save it in the right size for YouTube.Tricks to get the most perfect colors.The best ways to make your thumbnails stand out.

In this course you will learn all about the structure of a thumbnail. From the right size and resolution of a YouTube thumbnail to how to enhance a background picture by finding a balance between shadows and highlights. You will learn how to make thumbnails for a wide variety of different types of videos. Your teacher will also show you how vibrance and brightness can help with making a thumbnail stand out and how to improve resolution of a picture with the filters. You will become an expert in how to quickly and easily change colors of a whole photo or only one object by using hue and saturation. You will also learn a quick and easy way to make cutouts with the quick selection tool, different ways to make a cutout stand out on a busy background, and how to properly put text on a thumbnail.

Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程
Complete video Thumbnail Course A Masterclass 自媒体视频主封面图设计课程

原版CG教程:2242.386 M

下载价格33.3 积分



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