石头地形材质预设模型制作教程 Artstation – Terrain Tile Texture and Rock Game Asset Sculpting Tutorial. 在ZBrush中雕刻石头,World Machine中制作地形,然后在PS和Quixel进行贴图的制作,最终利用Marmoset设置纹理和渲染。您应该熟悉Zbrush,Maya,World Machine,Photoshop和Marmoset的基本菜单和工作流程。
Terrain Tile Texture and Rock Game Asset Sculpting Tutorial. 90 minute walk through covering the entire sculpture from scratch in Zbrush to final low res mesh render in Marmoset. 1080 Resolution. Low res Static rock and plane/sphere meshes. Zbrush (4R8) file. World Machine file. Photoshop hand tiled files of texture maps generated for low res mesh. Quixel Photoshop files for diffuse, rough, and normal map for rock assets and tilling texture. Marmoset web file and scene file (Marmoset Toolbag 3)
