C4D模型贴图烘焙教程 Cineversity – Toon Car Texturing & Baking Techniques. 在我们给模型进行展UV之后,需要制作贴图,本教程会讲解几种不同的贴图投射方式、不同部分模型用一个单独的贴图来处理、多种贴图烘焙到一张贴图上、导出到Unreal Engine虚幻引擎。介绍在拆分UV后对3D模型执行的一些操作。我们将使用各种投影来应用许多简单的纹理,将多部分模型合并为单个模型,将多种材质烘焙为单个纹理贴图,最后将模型导出到虚幻引擎。
Toon Car Texturing & Baking Techniques : In this mini series we will take a look at some of the things you can do, after you have UV unwrapped a 3D model. We are going to apply a number of simple textures using various projections, consolidate multi-part models into single ones, bake multiple materials into a single Texture map, and finally Export the model to Unreal Engine.
