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ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko


Gumroad – Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko. 将Marvelous Designer制作好的衣服布料模型导入到ZBrush中,然后学习如果正确的去处理布料模型,包括衣服各种细节的添加雕刻、Mari和Substance Painter软件置换纹理的制作。

在ZBrush中雕刻衣服的视频教程,ZBrush中的技巧和窍门,使您的衣服看起来更生动自然,在ZBrush中雕刻各种材质和织物的实用方法,Mari and Substance Painter中的置换绘画技术为您的雕刻增加了另一个层次的质感效果,整洁的拓扑对帮助您获得最准确结果很重要,熟悉Marvelous Designer软件优点和缺点局限性,学习认识Marvelous Designer常见的缺陷以及如何解决这些缺陷,用奇妙的方法雕刻裙子等衣服。,在3Ds Max中创建夹克和添加衣服模型厚度效果。

Gumroad – Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko. Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush. by Aleksandr Kirilenko in Tutorials. Model Clean Up After Marvelous Designer. Jacket Theory. Jacket Sculpting. Jacket Modifications In Marvelous. Projections in Mari. Projections in Substance Painter. Denim Top Sculpting. Blouse Theory. Blouse Sculpting. Belt Sculpting. Denim Skirt Sculpting. Inner Skirt Sculpting. Pants Theory. Pants Sculpting. Seams Creation. A little Bit More About The Seams. Model Finalising. Final Detailing and Polish.

ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko
ZBrush布料衣服模型制作教程 Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush By Aleksandr Kirilenko


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